Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Pumpkin Farm

Today was our annual trip to the pumpkin farm. We had been postponing it until we had some nice Fall weather, as it just wouldn't have been the same if we had gone with the 90 degree temps we had been having. But today was a perfect 60 degrees outside...Fall has finally arrived!

This is one tradition that I can claim to be ours. I think every family needs that, and I try my best to come up with simple ways to celebrate our own little family while also incorporating the traditions we both grew up with. This can be difficult at times, as Greg's family has many, many traditions (did I say many?) and as much as I want the girls to have them, I will admit that it is tough at times.

Since we have gone every year since Analese was born, it is interesting to see the changes in the girls from year to year. This year, Mara did not like the hay ride at all, and became very upset on the ride back. The driver actually came over and asked her what was wrong, and she kept pointing to the steps he had just put up, and humming her words to him quite loudly. Even though she was not speaking words, there was little doubt to anyone what she was trying to say!

The girls were not too interested in our annual photo session, but we did the best we could. Analese was only interested in seeing the animals in the petting zoo this year, and cried until we got there and then cried when we left :)

Overall, it was a fun day and we'll do it all again next year!


Peace is every step said...

So cute! I love the one with Mara eating dirt/leaves! You got WAY better pics than I did this year. I couldn't get anyone to look at the camera.

Chris said...

Such a nice day for the pumpkin patch! I love the pictures, too. I have Sawyer sitting on my lap and we blew up the pic of Mara eating the grass, and I said to Sawyer, "Can you say "hi cousins"? And he said, "Hi DaDa. Hi DaDa!" and waved. He had a big smile on his face! Too Cute!

Lorrie said...

So Cute at the pumpkin patch! Looks like you had a great day! We picked out pumpkins last weekend, too but I forgot my camera!!